Wednesday, 31 March 2010


Due to the unfortunate circumstances of not being able to film within the train station, we have altered our storyline and changed the setting to a street. Whilst filming here we would need to ensure that we are stay fully aware of any approaching cars and the surroundings. We would also need to be sure that the local residents are happy for us to film on their street,


I would like to thank Georgia Lateo, Alice Fortune and Zara Pearce for giving up their time to appear in our filming. Especially because the day we filmed was awful weather and they had to wear inappropriate clothing.

I would also like to thank Georgia's mum for allowing us to film within her house.

Finally, I would like to thank Tim; Zara's dad for granting us permission to film his offices even though people were still working at the time.

Question 4

I uploaded my presentation using Fahmina's account on Slideshare because it wasn't working on my own account.

Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback is a vital part of any task as it allows you to identify both good and bad points to enable you to improve. We have got people to tell us their opinions of our products as we have been constructing them to ensure that the final product is perfect.

The first time that we required feedback was near the beginning of the project when we were brainstorming ideas.We explained to her our idea and she immediately liked the idea and thought that it would work with our song choice, however, she thought that something was missing.she felt that for the length of the song, we would not have enough of a storyline/shots to keep the viewers interesting and to actually make a good music video. She then suggested that the main male character could bump into other people that are in the woods but are dressed up in unusual clothing doing everyday things but only he is able to see them, they cant see him.

whilst we were filming, the other girls within our video gave us feedback throughout and shared their ideas of certain shots. This helped us greatly and gave us perspectives from different points of view.

Once we had finished filming and editing a rough cut, we showed this to our teacher and she gave us some useful feedback.

Unfortunately we were unable to film anymore footage because our main actress wasn't available at any time. Therefore we had to use what we already had and just edit it some more to make any possible improvements.


Here is an image of our first draft of our digipak, along with audience feedback.



•likes the roll over images for the main navigational links on the page - however doesn't like them being pink, would prefer them to be blue
•doesn't like the pink used for some of the font - too many colours on the page, makes it look predominately for girls
•likes the idea of a user form
•like the rollover image of the album cover
•doesn't like the picture used for Georgia as it isn't cut out properly


•likes the header for the homepage
•likes the picture of the main male character in the top left corner of the page
•likes the idea of the user form
•doesn't like the main navigational links being pink

Having taken all of the feedback into account, we altered the website and this is the final product

Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Our brief was to produce a music video and two ancillary tasks. We chose to create a website homepage promoting the artist and a digipak for the latest album.


'American Dream' Final cut from Daniel Jeffery on Vimeo



We made sure that there was a clear link between all 3 media products. We decided to use a shot from our video as our front cover of the digipak and on the inside we have used a montage of different shots extracted from the video to show consistency throughout. We have also linked the website and digipak by using bold fonts. As an artists, one thing that you hope to achieve is recognition by their products. They can achieve this by showing a clear link between their products.

Final cut

Here is the final cut of our video having retrieved audience feedback and taken it all into account

'American Dream' Final cut from Daniel Jeffery on Vimeo.